Saturday, February 22, 2020

SEE BELOW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SEE BELOW - Essay Example evolutionary proposition since many thinkers have proposed that we would be better as a society and improve ourselves as human beings if there were no gods. Clearly a lot of violence and bloodshed in human history has been the result of devoted faith and confirmed adherence to certain viewpoints (the crusades come to mind as a good example). Yet at the same time, religion and the idea of god is a comforting thought to many people and simply overthrowing that idea is not an easy task nor could be done at the earliest convenience. It seems that the overthrow demanded and recommended by the noted authority has little to do with the will of god since a person’s freewill is not controlled by god in any way. Had Zeus been able to control the will of Prometheus, he would not have any need to chain him or imprison him in any way. With a simple snap of his fingers Zeus could have discovered anything he wanted. This shows that a person can revolt against god and the power of god would not extend to controlling his or her freewill. Clearly, there is no reconciliation between the will of Prometheus and the commands given by Zeus. Zeus as the character of god can hurt Prometheus, put him in chains, persuade him, send him messengers but can not get him to bend to his will unwillingly. Eventually, Zeus can even throw Prometheus into the abyss with a lightning bolt, yet he remains unable to control him the way he wanted to. Finally, the character of Prometheus is quite interesting since he appears to be defying Zeus for no apparent reason. It seems that the defiance is simply for the sake of defiance for he has nothing (for himself) to gain or lose by giving up the information demanded by Zeus. At the same time, he helps Io by giving her some good news about her future. Strangely enough, he seems completely unconcerned about his own future and his safety. The defiance exhibited by Prometheus is quite heroic and one can agree with his description of Zeus as a tyrant. However,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Nonverbal communication in the classroom (between students and Term Paper

Nonverbal communication in the classroom (between students and instructor) - Term Paper Example All things communicate and this includes material, time systems and physical space. Whereas it’s easy to turn off verbal communication, non-verbal can’t be easily done away with. The purpose of this paper is to explore how non-verbal communication affects or relates to what is happening in the classroom especially between the student and the instructor and try and look at how it can be understood and have different meanings. There has been an overemphasis on verbal communication in the classroom and early research primarily focused entirely on the verbal interaction taking place between the teacher and student. However within a period of the last three and half decades, practitioners, researchers and scholars have realized the relevance that non-verbal communication has in the classroom. It has been researched and proven that non-verbal component part of communication is as crucial as verbal when it comes to instructor-student relationship(Ambady&Rosenthal,1993) However it is important to note that there is what works and what doesn’t when it comes to the typical classroom. Instructors or rather teachers have got various roles to play in the classroom so as to effectively impart their learners (students) with the pre-requisite skills and knowledge they require in a specific subject. Some of these roles include; the role of the teacher as a speaker, moderator, manager, trainer, coordinator, contro ller, supervisor and helper. To be effective in all those roles listed above, a teacher must be able to exhibit the right way of communication to the class or else s/he might be mistaken or rather misunderstood. Not only is the verbal communication critical, nonverbal communication too is extremely important and it has a very huge impact to the students. Nonverbal communication serves many functions such as repetition, contradiction, substitution, complementing, accenting and regulating verbal