Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analyze The Ethical Issues of ICT Sector †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Analyze The Ethical Issues of ICT Sector. Answer: Introduction The advancement of technology in the contemporary world has enhanced the sector of ICT (information and communications technology). It refers to the integrated telecommunication systems (wireless signals and telephone lines), middleware, enterprise software, computers, audio-visual systems and such devices and such. It emphasizes on the factor of unified communications. The ICT helps the individuals to store, transmit, access as well as manipulate information when and if required. Many corporate and government organizations acknowledges and uses the facility of ICT, leading to the development of the industry in the process. However, it should be stated that while working in the industry there are certain rules and regulations which the ICT professional or any other individual need to consider (Brotherton et al. 2016). These norms and laws are mentioned in the ACS code of ethics, for instance. ICT industry has improved the overall economic condition of several business companies or organizations. The organized and systematic methods enabled due to the ICT sector has made it easy to keep track records, access, review and transit crucial information (be it organizational, financial, personal information) and so on. Most of the processes are done with technical aids. Hence, it can be easily understood that the risk to manipulate and manhandle information and data is always present. Considering the point the essay strives to identify and analyze the ethical issues related to the sector of ICT and to understand the structure of the ICT which is legitimate and justified. Analysis of the situation using the Doing Ethics Technique The consulting business of Diana is successful and it has been three years since its establishment. At present Diana is working for a medium sized organization. She believes that transparency is important and therefore involved the important stakeholders of the company, the computing director, the director of personnel and the CEO. During the time of designing the management system of database, the stakeholders showed active participation. However, conflict arose during the time of decision making process regarding the level of security which would be installed (Francisco et al. 2017). Diana presented several security options to the client, however the cost of the systems as per the functions the systems provide. The better the degree of security system, the higher is the cost (Miguel, 2014). The client has decided that it is not necessary to install costly security system for the company. The client company possibly believes that Diana is trying to sell the costly security system to the company which is not necessary for the company. However, Diana thinks that it is not sufficient to install less security system as the information which the company is going to store will be sensitive. Information such as salaries, medical records, insurance claims, and overall performance evaluation records will be kept and managed with the help of the database. Considering and assessing the case scenario of Diana and her client, it can be said that each holds their respective perspectives (Meiring et al. 2016). Diana thinks that the company wills store its crucial and sensitive information about the company, the employees, and its customers within the particular database. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to take extra measures to strengthen the level of security system of the database. Diana puts stress on the necessity of security system; she is aware of the fact that anybody can get access and manipulate the company database. She knows that cyber crime can be a big risk for the company. Rather than losing valuable information, it is better to invest in costly security system to ensure the overall safety and certainty of the database (Mannay and Morgan, 2015). However, the client of the company is a medium sized organization, the company is trying to save money and avoid unnecessary cost and expense. The client thinks that it is insignificant to invest in for the security system of the database management. Moreover, the stakeholders think that they have the option of installing a dvanced security measures if required in future. For the present, the extra cost for the security system seems unnecessary at present. Diana also thinks about the other stakeholders related to the company. She is of the opinion that the lack of sufficient security of the database increases the chance of manipulation, falsification and manhandling of the information and data (Van and Swierstra, 2013). Due to this, the information regarding the customers and consumers associated with the company possess the chance of potential risks. Hackers can easy access to the company information. This can harm and affect the image and reputation of the company. However, the director of personnel and computing and the CEO think that the company database can be sufficed with less security system. Considering the scenario of the case, Dianas consultant business is successful. She has hired several people working for the consultant. The fact states that she has the knowledge and expertise regarding the work field that she has opted. While working for the medium sized organization concerning the designing and building the database management, she has involved the stakeholders of the client company, in the process (Mehta, 2016). This fact states that she maintains honesty and transparency between the working parties. During the time of the decision making, she suggested that it is necessary for the company to install good security system. She understands the importance of the information and its sensitiveness which is going to be kept in the database along with the potential risk of keeping the information in the wired database, but client is willing to put the security measure but because of the excessive cost of good security system, the client prefer to use less security syste m. The fact is, the client company wants to save its financial resource as much as feasible, and it is a medium sized company (Bell, 2014). The first and the foremost issue which can be clearly observed is that the differences have emerged between Diana and the client company. Diana is worried about the safety of the company, the ethical factor of the company in dealing with the sensitive issues. The client is of the opinion that it is futile to invest in expensive security system. Diana does not want to upset the company stakeholders but she thinks the decision of purchasing less security system seems needs consideration. The client company is confident that the database will be managed efficiently and with care (Coghlan and Brannick, 2014). Another point is Diana attempts to avoid the possible damage and risk that can arise for her business since she is responsible for conducting the database management of the client. Apart from Diana and her business, the client company can also be affected (it can be in internal and external). It is relevant to note that the employees, the customers associated with the company can al so get affected, it can be positive as well as negative in nature (Wynia et al. 2014). Concerning the industry of ICT, it is necessary to state that certain ethics should be considered. As an ICT professional, it is essential for Diana to be clear and give proper instruction and guidance about the safety and security needed for the company database management. She has maintained work transparency with the client stakeholders. Taking into account the content of the classical ethical theory, it can be said that Diana has valid point regarding her perspective about the need for extra security for the company database. This is important for the stakeholders to consider, considering the fact that the company wants to improve and develop its business and related prospects (Fortington et al. 2015). The client should have the trust one the consultant while the latter should take into account the opinion and interest of the former. Observing the case of Diana, it can be said that both the parties need to come to a conclusion. Diana can show the client with the help of practical action, the possible threats and loopholes of the company database management which the outsiders (and hackers) can find and have access to the sensitive information. Practical demonstration will be helpful to serve the purpose of explaining Dianas concern to the client. The client needs to be able to comprehend the significance of advanced security system. Effort should be given to clarify and justify the need for strong security software (Angelos, 2014). Diana can convince the client to experience free service of the best security software for a certain amount of time along with the low cost security system. The company can automatically observe the difference in functions of the two systems. However, as the consultant Diana needs to understand that money is an issue for the company. It is not much feasible for the company to have expensive security management system, considering the fact that the company is medium sized in nature. She needs to provide varied options of security systems, comparison can be made and the best security system within the budget price range of the company can be offered to the company (Pink, 2017). Careful assessment should be conducted about the features and shortcomings of the available options. Analysis of the situation from the point of view of an ICT professional using the ACS Code of Ethics The ACS (Australian Computer Society) code of ethics upholds certain ethical norms and regulations which every individual needs to follow and oblige. It is a known fact that in the contemporary time, most of the data and information are stored in the wired storage, online folder, and intranet and such. One of the major reasons is the convenience and organized method which the ICT provides. Many corporate and business organizations prefer the faculties offered by the ICT sector. An ICT professional possess the responsibility of handling and managing sensitive and important data with efficiency, considering the particular code of ethics of Australia, the ICT professional needs to have the knowledge and expertise regarding the concerned field (Patrignani and Whitehouse, 2014). The professional needs to show diligence and sincerity regarding his/her work and should strive to provide better service to the client. Honesty and transparency should be observed. Taking into account, the case s cenario of Diana, it can be said that she conforms to the norms and regulations, she is well aware of the ethics. Her successful consultant business, her effort to involve and cooperate with the stakeholders of the company throughout the process of designing the database shows her sincerity and transparency level with the client. She is concerned about the security of the company database of the client company as it has been observed that the company will be keeping information which is vital and sensitive like insurance claims, personal information and so on (Klimova et al. 2016). She wants better for her client and also for the other stakeholders associated with the particular client company. Therefore, it can be considered that Diana follows the ethics as an ICT professional. In terms of the priority section of the code of ethics, it is expected that Diana should be taking the initiative to interact with the client regarding any kind of potential conflicts. In case of conflict, the professional needs to take the effort to clarify the cause of conflict. It can be perceived that Diana has taken the initiative to make the client understand the need for strong security system (Weckert and Lucas, 2013). This is because she thinks that the company database is a storage which can be easily accessed by outsiders, third parties, along with the risk of hackers and malicious websites that can spread virus within the database. In case of such situation the client company possess the risk of getting negative impact from its potential customers and entities associated with the company. Along with the client company, Dianas business possesses the risk of facing negative impact from its other clients and stakeholders (Steen, 2015). Therefore, it is ethical for Diana to put stress on the need for good security system. From other perspective, taking into account the competence factor of the code of ethics, it can be said that in spite of the differences of both the parties, Diana needs to consider and give importance to the interest of the clients. It is understandable that the client company is an SME, finance is an issue. The company is trying to save its financial resource and therefore is unwilling to invest extra money for the security system (cs et al. 2016). The client stakeholders think for the time it is not necessary to have strong security software. They want to have the fundamental features and minimum mandatory security concerning the database. Looking at the case scenario, it can be said that the company has its reason (Yeh et al. 2014). Considering the rule of competence, Diana needs to consider and protect the wellbeing and interest of the client. The code of ethics states that a professional need s to act professionally under any circumstance. Likewise it can be said that Diana should be considerate about the interest of her client. She should maintain honesty and integrity; she needs to give several options to the client, weighing the benefits and flaws of the security systems and should install the system as per client preference. Diana is not happy with the decision, however in spite of the difference of opinion; she cannot impose her perspective over her clients, which will be unethical as well as unprofessional. Therefore, Diana should be ready to work with the option of the client (Warren et al. 2016). Apart from this, she does posses the scope of giving advises in future to the company and provide service if required. Conclusion Diana believes that it is necessary for the client company to take the security system that offers strong security measures irrespective of the cost. However, all the major stakeholders of the client company are not willing to spend on the particular software. It can be concluded that both the parties have their own perspective, their respective judgment regarding the company database management. Assessing and evaluating the case scenario situation, it can be said that a conflict has emerged due to the difference of opinion however the issue can be resolved with appropriate cooperation and understanding. As a consultant, it is the responsibility of Diana to provide good suggestions for the betterment of the client company. Throughout the designing process of the company database, she has involved the major company stakeholders. This point highlights the fact that the Diana is sincere and honest about her work. She obliges and conforms to the norms and regulations present in the ACS c ode of ethics. She tries to show the company that the reason for the earnest request to install good security service is that major company information and data will be stored in the database. With poor security, the company possesses the risk of getting attacked and threats from several third parties and entities, this can expose the company to the foreign parties. However, Diana needs to understand the limitations of the client company. There are some recommendations that can be utilized for the purpose. Attempt should be made from both the parties to understand the problems and issues of each other. Communication needs to be direct and proper. As an ICT professional, Diana needs to know the budget of the client company and according to the cost limitation; she can search for good security systems. There are many companies, especially new entrants willing to market their security software features. Diana can offer negotiation between the client company and the company offering security system can be made regarding the security service cost. References cs, P., Stocker, M., Fge, K., Par, D., Olh, A. and Kovcs, A., 2016. Economic and public health benefits: The result of increased regular physical activity.European Journal of Integrative Medicine,8, pp.8-12. Angelos, P., 2014. 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